2012 m. kovo 20 d., antradienis

I Am

‎"'Anytime you start a sentence with I am, you are creating what you are and what you want to be. So, if you sometimes say, “I am bad at this, I am ugly, I am stupid,” these words take you farther and farther away from the part of you that is God. When you choose to say, “I am happy, I am kind, I am perfect,” you help the light of God inside you to grow and shine."

My favourite Dr. Wayne had published a new book. I'll bet it's worth reading :)

2 komentarai:

  1. nuostabu... o aš vis galvoju, kad labai norėčiau va tokias visokias knygas ir knygeles versti į lietuvių kalbą ir spausdinti..

  2. aga.. aš ir apie tai pamąstau - svajonių darbas būtų :)
